Friday, November 17, 2006

Out with with Old, In with the New

This week has been a sad but happy one for the Tottman Clan in Oz. After much deliberation, and born out of necessity, because if we didn't make a change, things would fall apart anyway, we took the leap and traded in our old friend Alec for a new and improved model.

Alec had been my first car, bought after my first year teaching in Townsville. He had stood me up on his delivery, then decided to arrive early after all, a typical male I decided, so hence he was called Alec. Why Alec, I just loved the name. We shared many memories together, driving from Townsville to Brisbane on several occasions, and also from Townville to Cairns, when Dad and Simon came to visit one holiday. He suffered a few dings along the way, the most memorable being, when returning to Townsville, we hit a 6ft Kangaroo. The damage was not too severe, but sadly the baby Joey I rescued, and drove with me all the way from Rockhampton to Townsville, where I took her to the Wildlife Park there, was not so fortunate. She had broken her spine when she was flung from her mother's pouch. But at least in the end, she went peacefully, thanks to the wonderful wildlife carers and didn't die an agonizing death by the side of the road.

Alec passed from me to Dad, when I went overseas in 1999. On my return to Australia in 2002 I bought a new car and Alec stayed with Dad and Simon for another 5 years. By this time he had really reached his use by date, now 20 years old as I had bought him second hand anyway. With Dad he received a few more dings, most memorial being August 2005, when Dad ran into someone. Without hesitation he had him fixed, no easy feat, but we did.

But the time has come to say farewell to Alec, who was traded for a measly $200 AUS. No where near his true value in our eyes. He help fond memories. Now Dad and Simon own (although second hand) a new car, aptly named Bluey (for his red colouring). An improvement in Alec, as he has power steering and air-conditioning (a necessity if you live in Queensland). We're taking him out for his first big drive today, up to Mount Tambourine for a BBQ lunch. A nice little Saturday adventure for the family.


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